Ulster Unionist Leader comments on General Election announcement

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Ulster Unionist Leader comments on General Election announcement

Speaking as the Prime Minister announced the date of a General Election, Ulster Unionist Party leader, Doug Beattie MC MLA, commented.

“The Prime Minister has spoken, the date has been set, the opportunity for a better future is on the horizon. Democracy will now take centre stage and the people will decide our country's direction for the next 5 years.

“Here in Northern Ireland, we have a clear choice, carry on as before or set the conditions for a change. We need less pessimism, negativity and isolationism, less angry voices, less confrontation. We need representatives in Westminster who can stand up and make the case for Northern Ireland, its people, its economy, its future. 

“It's time we had strategic thinkers in Westminster, pro-union MPs who can look beyond short-term goals and concentrate on a long-term vision for Northern Ireland. The Ulster Unionist Party is the home of positive, optimistic, and inclusive unionism. If you want change, then your vote for an Ulster Unionist candidate on the 4th July, will deliver it.”