Supply teachers should not lose out on money due to system failings – Butler

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Supply teachers should not lose out on money due to system failings – Butler

UUP Education spokesperson, Robbie Butler MLA said:

“Over the past number of weeks there has been a growing concern and serious risk in regard to supply teachers accessing the new Northern Ireland Supply Teacher Register (NISTR) and in some instances not being paid.

“The winding up of the register with the General Teachers Council NI (GTCNI) and transfer of responsibility to the Education Authority has presented technical and administrative difficulties, resulting in supply teachers and schools struggling to efficiently utilise the new system. 

“The reliance on supply teachers for schools is significant and with over 16000 bookings on the system in September alone, it is vital that the issues identified are rectified straight away. 

“Many of the teachers contacting us are seriously concerned about payments being made for the days worked. For many this is their only income and with the cost of living crisis that we are gripped by it was important for us to get a meeting with officials from the EA.

“My party colleague John Stewart, MLA for East Antrim, and I met this week with senior EA officials to relay our concerns, and to get reassurance that all that can be done is being done to fix these issues.”


John Stewart MLA said: 

“Given the serious financial predicament that many across Northern Ireland are finding themselves in it was essential that we engaged with the EA to ensure that teachers who have worked their agreed supply days are paid when they are due to be paid.  The migration to another register and authority shouldn’t be a barrier to being paid for their work. 

“We have asked that the EA continue to work on the system as a priority and have committed to keeping tabs on the matter with them to provide confidence to supply teachers across Northern Ireland that their concerns are being addressed.”