No compelling reasons for the SOS not to act on organ donation law – Chambers
No compelling reasons for the SOS not to act on organ donation law – Chambers

UUP Health spokesperson, Alan Chambers MLA said:
“Little Dáithí Mac Gabhann and his family are due to meet with the Secretary of State on Wednesday to discuss the stalled Organ and Tissue Donation Act. Dáithí has been waiting four years for a heart transplant and has been the public face of the campaign for the introduction of this life saving Act.
“It was due to become law in early spring this year but was found to require further technical changes. In the absence of an Assembly this cannot be completed. Such an Act had been championed in recent years by Jo-Anne Dobson, a former MLA Party colleague in the Assembly. Former UUP Health Minister, Robin Swann MLA, strongly promoted the legislation when it came back to the Assembly over the last few years.
“I wish the Mac Gabhann family well in their meeting with the Secretary of State as they make the case to him to complete the changes at Westminster. It is not controversial and was supported by all Northern Ireland political parties, recognising the life-saving opportunity and hope it will provide to Dáithí and the over 130 other residents of NI currently on the Organ Donation waiting list.
“There are no compelling reasons for the SOS not to urgently act on this issue.”