Long-term plan and investment required to tackle out-of-control housing waiting lists - Allen
Long-term plan and investment required to tackle out-of-control housing waiting lists - Allen

East Belfast Ulster Unionist Party MLA and Communities Spokesperson Andy Allen MBE has said Northern Ireland can ill afford a cut in the number of new social homes delivered each year.
Mr Allen said:
“The latest Northern Ireland housing bulletin, published by NIRSA, reinforces the stark reality of housing need across Northern Ireland. The number of applicants on the housing waiting list as of 31st March 2023 has increased, yet again, to 45,105, against the backdrop of the Department for Communities communicating that they will only be able to fund the building of 1400 new homes due to capital funding pressures. At that rate, if we did nothing else, it would take over three decades to clear the current waiting list. Clearly, this is an unsustainable position, which requires urgent strategic intervention.
“In June 2021, the former Communities Minister, Deirdre Hargey, stated:
“I believe the targets for social housing build are far too low and I am keen to gain sufficient budget, as well as introducing policy changes to increase the capacity of the Social Housing Development Programme and to deliver more homes where they are most needed.”
“Fast forward 2 years and we have no Minister to take forward existing or consider additional policy changes, additionally the ability to increase the social housing targets has been hampered by significant budgetary pressures. We, therefore, require leadership and strategic direction to navigate and address this unacceptable situation, otherwise the social housing waiting list will continue to grow and we will continue to fail those in need of a home.
“Everybody recognises that a functioning Executive is by no means the panacea to our problems, however, doing nothing is simply unacceptable.”