Lady Daphne Trimble appointed UUP Honorary President
Lady Daphne Trimble appointed UUP Honorary President

Announcing Lady Daphne Trimble as the new UUP Honorary President, Party Leader Doug Beattie MC MLA said:
“The Ulster Unionist Party, Northern Ireland and the wider United Kingdom owe a huge debt of gratitude to David Trimble for his courage in delivering the Belfast Agreement and peace to this part of the United Kingdom. Yet it is important to recognise that the pressure David suffered during those long nights in 1998 were shared by his dear wife Lady Daphne Trimble. Daphne suffered the same verbal abuse, the hateful remarks, the long sleepless nights and the triumph of great achievement. She provided the moral support in those quiet moments when doubt creeps in and for this reason we also owe Lady Trimble a massive debt of gratitude.
“Lady Trimble has been a loyal party member, active at every level, giving advice and guidance to the experienced and the novice. She is rightly held in high regard by all members of the party. Therefore, it is with a genuine sense of honour that as the Party Leader I announce that Lady Trimble has been appointed as the Honorary President of the Ulster Unionist Party taking over from the late May Steele who passed away in January 2020.
“As we forge a new future for the party and for Northern Ireland it is important to remember who we are, where we came from and those who held the line while others faltered. Lady Daphne Trimble embodies that sense of being an Ulster Unionist and we will continue to seek her guidance in the years to come.”
Lady Daphne Trimble said:
“It is an honour to follow in a long line of prestigious Ulster Unionists who have held this position. I am taking up this role at a challenging time in politics, and when there are difficult decisions to be made. Our views will matter, and I look forward to playing my part.
“The absence of an Executive in Northern Ireland is not conducive to good politics and is untenable. Twenty-five years ago the people of Northern Ireland chose to have a devolved government, including an Executive. It’s time it was restored.”