Inconceivable that Stormont could administer income tax raising powers given RHI experience - Aiken
Inconceivable that Stormont could administer income tax raising powers given RHI experience - Aiken
Following a briefing from the Independent Fiscal Commission, Steve Aiken OBE MLA, Ulster Unionist Finance spokesperson and Chair of Stormont`s Finance Committee, said:
“Today the Independent Fiscal Commission briefed about their recommendations to bring about the devolution of income tax raising powers to Northern Ireland to the Finance Minister and then to the Chair of the Finance Committee.
“At the same time the Assembly debated the RHI debacle, pointing out that less than half of the recommendations made within the inquiry had been implemented. This was coupled with questions to the Economy Minister that indicated that he had no firm recommendations for the future of the RHI scheme itself.
“In the light of this, it is inconceivable that we would be in the position to introduce variable rates of income tax; we can’t even manage a renewable heating scheme. There would have to be proof of a significant change of culture, attitude and delivery before we could even consider supporting the devolution of income tax raising powers.”