DUP actions speak louder than their words on health reform - Chambers
DUP actions speak louder than their words on health reform - Chambers

The Ulster Unionist Party’s Health Spokesperson Alan Chambers has said the DUP’s decision to withdraw the First Minister and hamper the ability of the Executive to take decisions, makes a mockery of the DUP’s stated aim of reforming the local Health system.
Alan Chambers said:
“The irony of the DUP launch in Bangor of their party policy document on reforming Northern Ireland’s health system will not be lost on those waiting on elective surgery, many of them in constant pain. This policy document, which is part of the DUP five- point plan, isn’t worth the paper it is written on if a delivery mechanism is not in place.
“Their decision to bring down the Executive shamefully robbed patients of the opportunity of the Elective Care Framework – Robin Swann’s detailed waiting times strategy – from being fully funded this year. Whilst good progress has already been made, staff and patients were relying on a 3 year draft budget being agreed.
“All parties in the Executive fully backed the Minister’s five-year plan to reduce waiting lists and to reform how surgery services are delivered. It came at a cost of £700m. If an Executive had remained in place the funding would have been signed off and this Framework would have been put in place and begun to offer hope to those waiting for elective surgery.
“The uncertainty caused by the DUP’s decision to withdraw the First Minister and seriously limit the ability of the Executive to take action, makes a mockery of their five-point plan and amounts to an abandonment of those they claim they want to help. It smacks of hypocrisy. Sometimes actions do indeed speak louder than words.
“Their choice of tactics not to have an Executive is not just affecting those needing health care but will have negative implications across all strands of society in Northern Ireland.
“The people who will suffer will not be the Government figures in Westminster who the DUP allowed to hoodwink them, or the bureaucrats in the EU but rather the most vulnerable individuals and families here in Northern Ireland.
“Their five-point plan is as hollow as many of their actions and promises during all the years they have enjoyed the power in Stormont. Hopefully the electorate will see through this glaring DUP hypocrisy and realise that the DUP have nothing to offer but fear."