Communities Minister needs to detail the support she will provide to households impacted by soaring energy costs - Allen
Communities Minister needs to detail the support she will provide to households impacted by soaring energy costs - Allen

East Belfast Ulster Unionist MLA Andy Allen MBE has called on the Communities Minister to detail the support that will be provided to households impacted by soaring energy costs.
Mr Allen said:
“Over the last number of months we have seen energy providers announce increase after increase in the cost of energy which has resulted in many households finding it increasingly unaffordable to heat their homes.
“The soaring cost of living is pushing individuals and families to the brink therefore they urgently need support.
The Communities Minister stated the following in response to an Assembly question on 30th November.
“I am hopeful that we will have an agreement about the money over the next week or two, and I will then be able to give more detail about the scheme.” (Hansard)
“Have the Executive discussed a support package, has a budget been agreed?
“I would call on the Minister to urgently detail what support she intends to bring forward, who will be supported and when it will be available to those who need it.”