Chambers welcomes ban on smoking in cars carrying children coming into effect

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Chambers welcomes ban on smoking in cars carrying children coming into effect

UUP Health spokesperson Alan Chambers said:

“Today sees us take an important step in protecting the health of children.  The ban on smoking in cars carrying children – which comes into effect today – will safeguard them from the damaging effects of second-hand smoke.  We know the dangers of second-hand smoke and the role it plays in conditions like asthma so I am pleased that this ban comes into force from today.


“This is exactly the type of proactive preventative measures that are needed to create a healthier society.  I am glad to see such policies being implemented under Robin Swann’s leadership of the Department of Health.  The knock-on effect of this policy will be lessening the normalisation of smoking around children which we hope will see fewer young people in turn taking up smoking themselves.”