Cannot keep having circular conversation on the Protocol without progress being made – Beattie

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Cannot keep having circular conversation on the Protocol without progress being made – Beattie

UUP Leader Doug Beattie MC MLA said: 

“We know what the landing zone is here.  We need to see immediate moves to remove checks on goods coming from Great Britain to Northern Ireland and staying here.  We cannot keep having a circular conversation with no progress being made.

“The UK Government have been clear on this being the landing zone, the Irish Government and EU appear to also agree this to be the landing zone.  So, the question has to be asked as to why progress is still at a standstill?  I was clear when I met Simon Coveney this issue needs to be dealt with or it will continue to dominate.  That requires seeing a significant change in approach from the EU negotiators. 


“We have provided potential solutions; we also believe that the UK Government Command Paper offers solutions to the problems we face too.  If there is serious will from the EU to resolve the problems caused by the Northern Ireland Protocol then we need to see movement from them.  They had the opportunity pre-election and chose not to.  In an increasingly toxic political atmosphere, it is time to see action from them.”