BBC management should reverse irrational decision to drop Twelfth coverage – John Stewart MLA
BBC management should reverse irrational decision to drop Twelfth coverage – John Stewart MLA

Ulster Unionist MLA John Stewart, who is a member of the Orange Order, has criticised the decision by the management of BBC Northern Ireland to cease live television coverage of the Twelfth of July Parade in Belfast and has called on them to reverse it.
John Stewart said:
“This is the wrong decision by the management of BBC Northern Ireland and it`s one that they should reverse. The Twelfth of July is one of the biggest events of the year in Northern Ireland which generates millions for the local economy. Hundreds of thousands of people come out across the country to participate in and watch the Twelfth.
“The live coverage enables those who are unable to attend to see and feel part of the event on the day. There are those who are housebound, the elderly, the vulnerable and those who for one reason or another just can`t make it on the day.
“The programme which the BBC is discontinuing is also very well made. Not only does it contain live coverage of the Twelfth itself, but it`s also very educational with pre-recorded pieces about the history and background to the Twelfth, and those participating in it. To decide to drop it is totally irrational. I would appeal to Adam Smyth, the Interim Director of BBC Northern Ireland, and his senior colleagues to reverse this decision.”