Alderman Kenneth Twyble BEM
Ken Twyble was first elected to Craigavon Borough Council in 1993/1994 and gave leadership to the Council on two occasions as Mayor and on one additional occasion as Deputy Mayor. He participated in all the Standing Committees and served on various committees as Chair and Vice-Chair. He represented the Council on several external bodies such as the District Policing Partnership and East Border Region.
Following the reform of Local Government he was elected to the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and was appointed an Alderman. He has over 27 years of continuous service in Local Government. In his professional life Ken was a Secondary level teacher for 37 years, serving all his career in one school - Killicomaine Junior High in Portadown. For the last 10 years he was Vice Principal. He retired in 2004, but continues to serve in the education sector on several bodies and Boards.
He has been a Lay Preacher in the Methodist Church for over 50 years, and for 3 years served as the Lay Leader of the Methodist Church in Ireland.

Alderman Glen Barr
Glenn is the Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council during 2021/2022. He is a Councillor for the Banbridge District Electoral Area (DEA) on Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon (ABC) Borough Council. Glenn was first elected in 2011 to the legacy Knockiveagh DEA of Banbridge District Council and has served as Chairman of the Planning and Regulatory Services Committee and Leisure and Community Services committee. Alderman Barr has lobbied successfully for the introduction of speed control measures at local schools which have now been rolled out across Northern Ireland.
Glenn is the ABC Councils Veteran Champion, having served as Regular and Reservist for over 18years, making him ideal to Champion the Veterans cause.
A member of the Orange Order, Moneyslane Northern Ireland Supporter Club, Masonic and the West Down Somme Association, Glenn is a passionate supporter of Glasgow Rangers FC and Man City and following Northern Irelands' footballing highs and lows. Glenn is Married to Andrea, with 3 children, Alex, Cody and Billy.

Cllr Jill Macauley
Jill was elected to the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council in 2019 for the Banbridge DEA. Jill already had served three years as a local Councillor for the Mournes DEA of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council. Jill is currently the Vice Chair of the Council's Environmental Services Committee, as well as representing the Party on Economic Development and Regeneration Committee and Governance Committee.
Jill also is a member of the Policing and Community Safety Partnership for the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council area.
From a Business and Marketing background, Jill has strong interests in her local community. Having grown up, worked and now running their family dairy farm and tourist accommodation outside Rathfriland with her husband Robert and four young children, Jill is passionate about working hard to support our rural communities, improving local services for ratepayers, town centre regeneration and support for local businesses. She is always keen to promote the many tourist opportunities within the Council Borough, South Down and indeed Northern Ireland as a whole.

Cllr Julie Flaherty
Cllr Julie Flaherty entered local politics in 2013 following years of campaigning for health issues associated with the care of her late son, Jake.
Julie was co-opted onto Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council in May 2016 to represent the Portadown DEA for the Ulster Unionist Party. In June 2018 Julie took up the position as the first ever Lady Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council.
Julie has a keen interest in health and well-being of the children and young people of the Borough, and since re-election in 2019 has continued to champion bereavement and disability issues throughout the Borough.

Cllr Sam Nicholson
Economic Development and Regeneration Committee - Planning and Regulatory Services Committee

Cllr Jim Speers
Economic Development and Regeneration Committee - Leisure and Community Services Committee - UUP Group leader - Chairman of Navan at Armagh - Chairman of Board of Governors the Hardy Memorial,Primary School Richhill – a founding director and chairman of Richhill Buildings Presentation Trust - Member of Tandragee Steering Group and Markethill steering group - member of the Armagh Schools Steering group

Cllr Gordon Kennedy
Environmental Services Committee - Performance and Audit Committee

Cllr Louise McKinstry
Leisure and Community Services Committee - Performance and Audit Committee

Cllr Ian Burns
Environmental Services Committee - Economic Development and Regeneration Committee

Cllr Kyle Savage
Economic Development and Regeneration Committee - Governance, Policy and Resources Committee