Allen welcomes £2M allocation for Emergency Fuel Payments
Allen welcomes £2M allocation for Emergency Fuel Payments
East Belfast Ulster Unionist MLA and Communities Spokesperson Andy Allen MBE has welcomed the allocation of £2M for Emergency Fuel Payments and seeks further clarification from the Communities Minister, Deirdre Hargey MLA.
Mr Allen said:
“I welcome the allocation of £2M in funding for an emergency fuel payment scheme - something colleagues and I have been calling to be made available for months. I would also commend the consortium of organisations for stepping forward to provide this much-needed support.
“It is imperative this scheme is promptly operational and where possible, before the 6th of January 2022 as many individuals and families need this support now - in fact, they needed it weeks ago.
“Furthermore, £55M was identified to provide support, however to date, there has been no confirmation whether this was approved by the Executive at their meeting before Christmas.
“I would therefore again call on the Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey to clarify whether her Department received the full £55M requested and if so what further support will be made available and when?”