Allen lambasts failure to provide adequate support for households impacted by the cost of living crisis

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Allen lambasts failure to provide adequate support for households impacted by the cost of living crisis

East Belfast Ulster Unionist Party representative and Communities spokesperson Andy Allen MBE has voiced his frustration as Stormont formally dissolves for the Assembly election that the response to the cost of living crisis has been wholly inadequate 

Mr Allen said: 


“For months colleagues and I, alongside many across the third sector, have been warning about the cost of living crisis and calling for an adequate response to the scale of the crisis. Frustratingly this has not happened. In November the Ulster Unionist Party brought a motion calling for the establishment of an emergency energy payment to the Assembly which received unanimous support, whilst this payment has happened, many working families have been excluded from this and other support to date. 


“As we also fast approach the end of the emergency fuel payment scheme administered by the Bryson Charitable Group on 31st March there will be little by way of a safety net for the many households who require support. 


“Any short term support package will only be effective alongside a wider strategy to support households out of fuel poverty and preventative measures to stop many more from falling into fuel poverty. I would repeat my previous calls for the Communities Minister to amend the emergency fuel payment scheme criteria and extend the scheme beyond the impending end date and to establish a fuel poverty task force. 


“It is shameful the Executive have millions that could have been allocated to help alleviate some of the hardship, however, it sits unallocated while individuals and families struggle daily.”