Aiken comments on the Budget Sustainability Plan

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Aiken comments on the Budget Sustainability Plan

Ulster Unionist Finance spokesperson, Dr Steve Aiken OBE MLA said,

“The publication of the Executives Budget Sustainability Plan is a necessary requirement to prevent a repayment of over £0.5 billion to the Treasury. The key to this is a series of commitments, not least on how the Executive seeks to revenue raise, next year and in subsequent years. While there are many proposals there is, at long last, a clear commitment to start proper budgeting and financial management. 

“Reading the document may also raise the question of why these sensible measures are only now being implemented. However, the critical question of the proper prioritisation and funding of vital services, such as health and policing, is not answered.  Neither, beyond a proposal to raise additional revenues via the rating system, is there any real detail on how we place and fund our public services on a sustainable footing - bearing in mind that even with 124% Fiscal Floor, we will still struggle.  

“Finally, the Finance Minister has in response to my many questions about the expected £0.5 billion in additional Barnett Consequentials on the 30 October Budget, given us assurances that the monies are there and she is willing to proceed at ‘risk’.  Our party hopes she is right, however, in light of the City Deals debacle, we do hope she has a Plan ‘B’.”