40th Anniversary of the Death of Edgar Graham
40th Anniversary of the Death of Edgar Graham
“Edgar Graham was a barrister, an educator, and a politician. A son, a brother, a friend and a colleague. He was the sum of the whole and far more than just a rising star in the Ulster Unionist Party.
“Edgar was never to see life into his 30s, reach his full potential, or be all he could be. Sadly, he was cruelly murdered, aged just 29, on the 7th of December 1983 - 40 years ago today.
“I never knew Edgar Graham. I can never fully appreciate the pain suffered by his family from that fateful day till now. All I can do is remember the man, his memory and his legacy. In doing so, I challenge those who took his life so needlessly and those who today still justify this terrible act.
“Each year, The Ulster Unionist Party holds the Edgar Graham Memorial Public Speaking Competition. In doing so, we “keep alive the light of justice” by allowing young people to explore their ability to communicate ideas and thoughts through public speaking.
“Today, we continue to remember Edgar and our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends who lost a loved one far too soon.”